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Letzte Änderung, 06.02.2018
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Afrikanische Einwanderer
Afrikanische Emigrand Catopsilia Florella)
Angled Pierrot
(Caleta decdia)
The Common Baron
(Euthalia aconthea)
(Graphium sarpedon)
Common Jay
(Graphium doson)
The Glassy Tiger
(Parantica aglea)
Blaue Tiger
Blue Tiger
(Tirumala limniace)
Dark Blue Tiger
The Dark Blue Tiger
(Tirumala septentrionis)
Gewöhnliche Eierfliege
Great Eggfly
(Hypolimnas bolina)
Singalesische Bushbrown
Cingalese Bushbrown (Mycalesis rama)
Commander Moduza procris
Common Cerulan
(Jamides celeno)
Euploea core
Common Crow
(Euploea core), Beruwela
Common Grass Yellow
( Eurema hecabe
(Prosota nora),
Common Lineblue
(Prosota nora) Beruwela.
4 cm
Common Palmfly
(Elymnias hypermnestra)
Beruwela, Sri Lanka
Crimson Rose
(Pachliopta hector
Beruwela Sri Lanka
Common Rose (Pachliopta aristolochiae)
Common Sailor
Neptis hylas
Dark Brand Bushbrown, (Mycalessis mineus)
Dark Cerulan
(Jamides bochus)
Lemon Migrant
(Catopsilia pomona
Dark Evening Brown
(Melanitis phedima vahara
Dark Palm Dart
(Telicota ancilla)
Forget Me Not
(Catochrysops strabo)
Gray Pansy
(Junonia atlites)
Indian Cupid
(Everes lacturnus)
Jewel four Ring
White four Ring
Tropic Dart
(Potanthus confucius)
Plain Tiger
(Danaus chrysippus)
Yale Nationalpark, Sri Lanka
Mottled Immigrant (Catopsilia pyranthe)
The Tawny Coster
(Acraea violae)